What Are Penile Implants?
Penile implants are surgically inserted to help men with erectile dysfunction or Peyronie’s disease. These devices consist of two firm, flexible silicone rods that can be positioned to create an erection.
An inflatable prosthesis uses a fluid-filled reservoir and pump to expand or contract silicone cylinders on the penis. Its rods are semi-rigid and can be positioned away from the body for sexual intercourse and toward it to conceal.
What is a penile prosthesis?
A penile prosthesis consists of a pump system that’s surgically implanted in your body to let you have an erection when you want one. It may be either malleable or inflatable. It is most often used to treat erectile dysfunction that doesn’t improve with conservative medical treatments like medication or a vacuum constriction device.
The pump system, which doctors call an artificial penis, works by a fluid-filled reservoir that expands and contracts silicone cylinders inside your penis. This is what gives you an erection when you want one and a soft, flat penis when you don’t. You can choose a 2- or 3-piece implant, with two or more cylinders connected to each artificial penis other and a reservoir under the lower abdominal muscles or a combined reservoir and pump that sits in the loose skin of your scrotal sac (cava) between your testicles.
The newest implant combines the pump and reservoir into one unit. This makes it easier to conceal and use, but it’s also more likely to have mechanical problems. It’s important to find a doctor who has lots of experience with this type of device. They should use a no-touch surgical technique to minimize the risk of infection. If you get an infection, it could interfere with your ability to have sex or even to pass urine.
What is a non-inflatable penile implant?
In this type of implant, a surgeon puts two rods into the penis that are always semi-rigid. These rods look and feel like the size of the person’s full, unenlargeable penis before surgery. The doctor measures the inside of the penis to find the right implant size, and these implants are customized for each person.
Inflatable implants use a pump system to expand and contract silicone cylinders in the penis, mimicking the flow of blood that would naturally cause an erection. When the pumps are activated, these cylinders fill with fluid (usually saline or salt water that stays in the implant pump system) and make the penis hard. Then, a person can use the pump to deflate and retract the silicone cylinders and have a flaccid penis again.
Most people who get this type of implant are pleased with the results. It’s important to discuss the pros and cons of this procedure with your urologist, though. This is a permanent procedure, and some people don’t like the feel or appearance of their new penis.
People who have these devices are also at risk of infection in the area where the penis implant is placed. They may also experience internal erosion or adhesion, which means that the implant sticks to the inside of the penis or wears away the skin in that area. These problems can lead to pain and discomfort.
What is a penis implant surgery?
Penile implants are designed to replace a man’s natural penis. They help people with ED feel hard during sexual activity, and they may boost self-esteem and confidence. The implant feels like a natural erection, and it can be flexed to change shape and position during sexual intercourse. The pump system is inflated for sex, and it deflates to soften the penis for comfort during other activities. The device can be positioned against the skin to appear “natural” and prevent injury, or it can be hidden under clothing.
Penis implant surgery usually takes one to two hours and is done as an outpatient procedure. The surgeon makes small cuts in the genital area to insert the inflatable cylinders or, for malleable implants, bendable rods. If the person has a 3-piece inflatable implant, the surgeon also makes incisions in the abdomen to put the reservoir and valve in place.
Before the operation, a health care provider checks the patient’s overall health and takes vital signs, such as temperature, pulse and blood pressure. The doctor will also ask the patient about any medications he’s taking, including aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs. These can increase the risk of bleeding during surgery. A health care provider might advise the patient to stop these medicines if possible. After surgery, the surgeon will close the incisions with dissolvable stitches. He might put small silicone tubes (surgical drains) in the incision sites to remove excess blood or fluid from the body. Then the health care provider will give the patient instructions about how to use the implant and exercise it by inflating and deflating it daily to stretch the tissue.
What is a penis implant recovery?
Most patients can resume sexual intercourse four to six weeks after a penis implant surgery. Your health care team will teach you how to use the device and give you a prescription for pain medication.
A three-piece inflatable implant has a reservoir implanted under the skin, a pump and release valve in your scrotum, Dildo Manufacturers and two inflatable cylinders inside the penis. The pump pumps fluid, typically salt water, from the reservoir into the cylinders to achieve an erection. The valve releases the fluid back into the reservoir when you deflate the cylinders for intercourse or other uses.
The cylinders on modern penile implants are small enough that you and your partner can’t tell if the artificial penis is inflated or not. You can even feel the implant with your hands, but you can’t see it unless you look at your scrotum closely. Most people can’t notice it when you’re wearing pants.
You won’t be able to get a hard erection without a penile implant. Your health care provider will check the area for swelling, bruising and other signs of infection in the weeks after surgery.