Sex toys

A Guide to Butt Sex Dolls

A Guide to Butt Sex Dolls

Sex dolls are ideal if your partner doesn’t enjoy anal penetration or you simply want to try a different experience. They’re also cheaper than a full-body love doll, so they’re a good option if you’re new to this kind of play.

They can include a vagina, penis or anus (which may or may not be penetrable). Many have a textured internal surface for extra stimulation, while others have a smooth texture that’s more hygienic.


TPE sex dolls are usually made from soft, stretchy material that’s comfortable and compatible with all kinds of lubricant. They’re also cheaper than silicone sex dolls and are suitable for beginners before upgrading to more premium products.

However, because TPE is porous it can absorb odours and bacteria over time. To avoid this, you can wrap the doll in sheets that are soft and warm. A heating blanket is a good choice, but you can also use a regular mattress cover or an ironing board and sheets made from white cotton/polyester.

Another great option is a butt sex doll torso, which has all the features of a full-body doll but without the arms and legs. These are a good option if you’re not interested in the companion fantasy or if storage space is limited. Torso dolls are also less expensive than a full-body doll, and specialist love doll stores like Tantaly offer a wide range of options to choose from. They’re also lightweight, which makes them easy to transport.


For those that don’t want vibration but are still looking for a masturbator that is more lifelike than a dildo, a butt plug or masturbator doll may be the answer. These are typically smaller and lighter than other types, yet still provide orgasms through stimulation of the prostate and anal muscles. Most have an internal rod which moves back and forth against the anal wall, while others have external tabs to stimulate the perineum as well.

A step up from a butt doll is the torso variety, which includes everything a butt doll does but also has a thrusting rabbit penis and anus that are penetrable, plus a chest that feels like squeezing breasts or touching a chiselled six-pack. These are often a lot cheaper, especially in specialist love doll stores such as Tantaly, and they’re ideal if you don’t need the companion fantasy of a full-body doll or if storage space is an issue.

The most premium sex dolls are made from medical-grade silicone, which is non-porous, latex-free and phthalate-free. They can reject odours, stretch to fit and, with proper care, last a lifetime.


Although dildos and pocket pussies can mimic the feel of genitals, a butt sex doll goes one step further by including the anus and buttocks. These are ideal if you want to enjoy the feeling of anal penetration without having a chest, and they’re also less expensive than full-body love dolls.

Often made of medical-grade silicone, Push Rabbit Manufacturers butt sex dolls are non-porous and can be sterilized. They’re also hypoallergenic, latex-free and phthalate-free, and they can reject odours. They’re also lightweight and can easily fit into a tight pocket for discreet use, making them ideal for travelling.

Many butt sex dolls come with a lubrication tube for an extra-sexy sensation, while others may be compatible with vibrators. You can even buy accessories for these toys to enhance the experience, such as lacey panties, wigs and other clothing. Some sex dolls also have an optional penis attachment to add a new dimension to your pleasure. You can find these at specialist love doll stores that specialize in the product. They can be a great risk-free way to explore sexual pleasure if you’re unsure about opening up your relationship with your partner.


In addition to the basic body, big butt love dolls can also be equipped with a variety of accessories. These include lubricants, which can be used to enhance the pleasure of insertion, as well as heating elements that improve realism. Some models can even come with a variety of different penis attachments, which can make for a more interesting masturbation experience.

Saya is a gorgeous big butt doll with a beautiful tanned skin and curly locks. She’s made of TPE and has a metal skeleton for increased flexibility and realism. She has a slim waist, enormous thighs and a set of jiggly M-Cup boobs that are yearning to be stroked and rubbed.

Unlike many other types of love dolls, this BBW black beauty comes with a pair of warming wands and a powerful 6x vibrating bullet. Its anus and pussy holes are connected in the back and U-shaped, which makes it easy to insert a variety of toys. It’s also a good choice for beginners because of its lightweight design and ease of cleaning.


Cleaning is a major concern when it comes to sex toys, as porous materials absorb bacteria and fecal matter – the latter can cause sexually transmitted infections. Luckily, this can be avoided with proper handling and care. Washing and disinfecting are the best ways to keep a butt sex doll clean.

Using the washing machine isn’t recommended, as it can damage the material. Instead, use a bathtub or basin filled with warm water and a squirt of anti-bacterial soap. After rinsing thoroughly, leave the toy to dry completely before use.

If your doll has a built-in vagina, use a squirt bottle or irrigator to clean it. This will ensure that the inner walls are cleaned, preventing infection and eliminating any odors that may be caused by fecal matter.

To further reduce odors, some people recommend using rubbing alcohol on the orifices of your doll before and after use. This is a great way to sanitize the hole and also prevents mold from forming. Other popular sex toy cleaning products include a UV sterilisation rod and renewal powder (which extends the life of the toy while enhancing pleasure). It is recommended that you oil and powder your doll once every month or so. This will help replenish the natural oil and also keep your doll smooth.


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